What is more romantic, “I’ll die for you” or “I’ll live for you”?

3 min readAug 12, 2024


In movies, we often hear when a person love someone, they’ll say:

“I’ll die for you”.

In reality, that phrase is also used to express the love we have for someone.

But before I realized something earlier today, I thought when it came to love, that phrase was romantic. It is. I even used that to express my love for someone before.

But here’s what I realized.

When we love someone so deeply, and we think that the love is true, is pure, the question “will you die for the people you love?” is usually ask. And it tickles a bit because of course we will die for them.

If I’m on a boat with someone I love, and the boat is about to sink in, and there’s only one life jacket left, without a doubt I will give it to them. I will even force them to wear it if I have to. They need to make it.

But here’s what interesting for me. We never or rarely hear when a person who loves someone, they’ll say “I’ll live for you”, right? It’s something unusual to say to the people we love. And I know why.

I think to die for the people we love is our natural act because it’s easy to sacrifice our lives for someone we love wholeheartedly. It’s just in our blood, like an automatic thing we do/say.

If we make a comparison of dying and living, guess what’s harder? If you say “live”, you are realistic. I’ll give it context to make you easier to understand my perspective. You love someone that’s dying — let’s say they are sick and have not much time to live. You must wish that you could take away their pain, but you can’t in terms to make them live longer than predicted. So, they die.

After their passing, what you do? You mourn and grief hit like a truck. Some people even never get over it for the rest of their lives. Because what? It’s hard to live when we lose the people we love so much. We wish we go with them, or we wish we could take their place because we can’t live without them. And for some people, it’s true, that “I can’t live without you”. You know where that statement is going to.

So in this topic, when someone say “I’ll die for you”, they’re really willing to sacrifice their life because back again, it’s just in our blood, our natural act when we love someone so deeply.

But to live?!? Man… To live for the people we love, whether they’re with us or not, it takes everything in us because life itself is hard. Each one of us must have our own struggle. Then, can you imagine living/going through all of that without the people we love?

And I think to hold on, whether we’re in our bad times, or we lose the people we love in deaths or breakups, to stay alive — is the bravest thing to do. And we must.

So, both statements are romantic for me, and no right or wrong to say either one of them. But this statement:

“I’ll live for you”

holds a deeper meaning for me now.

Let’s take a moment to think…

Thank you for reading!




Written by nrmakhroja

when life gets hard, I write. and I write a lot...

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